Loved Ones with Adult-Children with Borderline Personality

Borderline Personality Disorder is a formidable challenge for those diagnosed with it and for those who love and care about them. It is painful for everyone. Especially severely negatively effected are the parents of adult-children with Borderline Personality Disorder who do not want any help and yet may at the same time be leaving you very worried for them and angry about their refusal to get help. What is a parent to do? How do you cope?

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – End Negative Thought Patterns

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – 19 Coaching Exercises To Help You Change Negative Thought Patterns by Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, is a 102 page Ebook chalk full of information and 19 coaching exercises to help you change negative thinking into positive thinking. This Ebook stresses how much you will benefit from focusing postively on the here-and-now so that the decisions you are making today will help you create a positive, successful and productive future. And this Ebook doesn’t just tell you that, it provides you with practical exercises that will show you how to create positive change and how to not only stop focusing on the negative, stop worrying, but also stop feeling so stressed and stop ruminating on intrusive, negative, and unwanted thoughts. Not everyone can afford Life Coaching. This Ebook gives you exercises to do that I use with many of my clients and now you too can get this help and at a fraction of the price.

Lost Self In Borderline Personality Disorder – Need and Search For Identity

People diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder do not have a sense of a known self or a stable sense of identity. In both audio and video, Author and Mental Health Coach and Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, talks about the lost self in BPD and the need and search for the lost self and for identity. Mahari talks about what it means, what it feels like to not know who you are and how that can effect your life and keep those with BPD stuck in the suffering and victimization of past abandonment trauma.

Splitting, Devaluation, Projection, and Lack of Trust in Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder is manifested largely through the defense mechanism of splitting. Splitting is vacillating between the extremes of idealization and devaluation. What results from the negative half of splitting – devaluation is projection and lack of trust. A.J. Mahari, author, speaker, mental health and life coach, in a video, talks about how the negative thinking experienced in the devaluing half of borderline splitting obliterates idealization and produces a marked shift in the mood and behaviour of the borderline.

H.O.P.E. For Borderline Personality Disorder – Optimism

There is reason to have optimism that Borderline Personality Disorder does not have to be a life sentence. There is reason to have optimism and hope about creating change in your life if you have Borderline Personality Disorder. It is important for those with BPD and those who are family members, loved ones, ex or relationship partners or friends of those with BPD to note that no one can change or rescue someone from Borderline Personality Disorder.