Externalized Aggression in BPD – Stop Enabling

Many with BPD who pinch, push, or slap a partner or person “close” to them expect others to just tolerate that like there is nothing wrong with it because they “couldn’t help it.” You can’t ever know, anymore than the

Non Borderline Recovery – Life Coach A.J. Mahari

Non Borderlines, Loved ones of those with Borderline Personality, need their own recovery. Author, Life Coach, BPD/Mental Health Coach and Self Improvement Coach, A.J. Mahari talks about this in her latest video about Borderline Personality Disorder for non borderlines. Most people think that it is just people with BPD that need recovery when the truth of the matter is that Borderline Personality Disorder, and the dynamics it manifests in all forms of relationships means that both those with BPD and those who know them are affected and often in negative, confusing, and painful ways.

Coaching and Understanding to Help BPD Loved Ones (Non Borderlines) Cope with Someone With BPD in Your Life

Loved ones, family members, partners or ex-partners of those with Borderline Personality Disorder are often confused, in pain, and struggling to cope with a loved one with BPD. Life Coach, BPD and Mental Health Coach A.J. Mahari was interviewed on the healthyplace.com Mental Health TV Show on the subject of BPD Loved ones and Coping with someone in your life with BPD. This interview has been broken up into three parts to fit on youtube. You can watch the there excerpts of this interview below or by going to my YouTube Channel

The Human Borderline and The Non Borderline Reality

The human borderline and the non borderline dilemma. What does that mean? Why would I phrase this like this you may wonder? I can’t count the number of times I’ve listened to non borderline clients I life coach or read non borderlines emails where, in their understandable pain and confusion, family members, loved ones, relationship partners of those with BPD – non borderlines – make statements that question the reality of those with Borderline Personality Disorder being human or not.