Borderline Personality Disorder In Men – The Myth of High/Low Functioning in BPD – BPD is not a Brain Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder may still be diagnosed more in women than men. What does this mean? It is unlikely that fewer men have Borderline Personality Disorder. It is likely that the numbers aren’t as skewed as many believe, or as stereotypes and stigma forward. There is a bias among most who diagnosed mental illness. Many men who may in fact have BPD can end up being diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) instead. I have many clients who are men with Borderline Personality Disorder. What is often over-looked is that young children have needs. Needs that must be addressed sufficiently in order for psychologically and spiritually healthy emotional development regardless of gender.

BPD Loved Ones Coach A.J. Mahari Interviewed On Healthy Place Mental Health TV Show

In a show that was focused on Loved Ones of people with Borderline Personality disorder and coping with someone with Borderline Personality Disorder in your life, A.J. Mahari, BPD Coach and Life Coach was interviewed to talk about BPD to

Mental Illness and The Brain – What’s Wrong with Psychiatry?

Mental Illness and The Brain – What’s Wrong with Psychiatry? Mental illness – is it biological or isn’t? What do you think? I guess I’m a rebel at heart, someone who thinks outside of the box. I know in my own experience, having recovered 15 years from Borderline Personality Disorder, that along the way, on my journey, I had a psychiatrist tell me I wouldn’t get better until they developed some pill – I didn’t believe him. He wasn’t correct. I fired him on the spot after that comment. That was 1987. That was before this notion now forwarded that everything mental illness is a “brain disorder”. Professional in psychiatry are speaking out against the “status quo” of mental illness as a “brain disorder”.

Brain Scans Clarify Borderline Personality Disorder

Does the fact that researchers are continuing to make some kind of progress in neuro-biologically discovering aspects of Borderline Personality Disorder mean that there isn’t hope for recovery? As someone who has recovered from BPD years ago, I know personally that the answer is no. There is every reason to continue to believe, hope, and know, that if you have BPD, you can recover. There is no need for some magical-cure-all pill that may never be able to be developed.
“Using real-time brain imaging, a team of researchers have discovered that patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are physically unable to regulate emotion. The findings, by Harold W. Koenigsberg, MD, professor of psychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine suggest individuals with BPD are unable activate neurological networks that would help to control feelings. The research will be published in the journal Biological Psychiatry.”

Empowering Your Self When You have Borderline Personality Disorder

People diagnosed and living with Borderline Personality Disorder often think that they cannot empower themselves. The experience of having Borderline Personality Disorder is one that can often lend itself to feeling helpless or out of control. Emotional Dysregulation leaves many with BPD feeling as if they cannot help themselves, feeling as if they can’t stand how they feel. This can often be the result of the shame and abandonment people with BPD are bound to and experience in cyclical ways. So how is it possible for someone with Borderline Personality Disorder to empower him or herself you might wonder?

Borderline Diary – Mirror Without Reflection – Borderline Mother

A.J. Mahari’s Borderline Diary – My Borderline Years – Mirror Without Reflection – My borderline mother, my mirror without reflection. My borderline mother, blank face, blank stare – angry. Always so angry. How many more times will you reach out to her only to be abandoned again. Only to be rendered just a little more invisible? How many times? She hurts me. I hate her. She hates me. I love her. I hate her. I need her. I can’t stand this.

Borderline Personality Self Help – The 2.0 Wave

Borderline Personality Disorder was long thought to be untreatable. In spite of maintaining its unfortunate stigmatized standing among many professionals and people generally, BPD, Mental Health and Life Coaches, like myself, along with many who are well on the road to recovery are moving forward. This forward looking movement of BPD awareness is spreading the news that BPD is highly treatable. That there really is hope. This is what I call the 2.0 wave.

Borderline personality disorder in mom predicts teen’s social problems

Is there a connection between whether a relationship exists between mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder and depression, challenges in interpersonal functioning, and/or attachment difficulties in their children? There was a study done to try to determine the effects of mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder on their teen’s social problems.