What is the Story of Your Life With Borderline Personality?

Author, Life Coach, BPD and mental health Coach, asks you to think about this question. What is the story of your life with Borderline Personality? Are you aware of that story? Is it possible that the diagnosis of BPD and the application of the words Borderline Personality to you, in your life, has resulted in more negativity in your thoughts and your experience that has resulted in you being blocked from empowering your own recovery?

Splitting, Devaluation, Projection, and Lack of Trust in Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder is manifested largely through the defense mechanism of splitting. Splitting is vacillating between the extremes of idealization and devaluation. What results from the negative half of splitting – devaluation is projection and lack of trust. A.J. Mahari, author, speaker, mental health and life coach, in a video, talks about how the negative thinking experienced in the devaluing half of borderline splitting obliterates idealization and produces a marked shift in the mood and behaviour of the borderline.