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          Sessions With A.J. Mahari

PLEASE NOTE: Canadian Citizens Living in Canada: Please contact me (by using the Contact button – main menu) to make arrangement for your session(s) purchase in CDN funds. Thanks and I look forward to working with you!

After you purchase a session or sessions the next step is for you to schedule your session or sessions via my website calendar on this page (please scroll down). Until you schedule you won’t receive any other instructions or any email from me. After you have scheduled your session or sessions I will receive notification and so will you. Then within a few days before the day and time you schedule for you will receive a Zoom link for your (first) session from me.

If you have any question or questions please Contact Me

Each session is 50 minutes in length and all sessions are non-refundable. Sessions cannot be scheduled until purchased. Sessions purchased in any package cannot be scheduled together, they are not concurrent, & need to be scheduled one at a time. All scheduled/booked sessions are in *Eastern Time*
Canadian Citizens Living in Canada: Please contact me (by using the Contact button – main menu) to make arrangement for your session(s) purchase in CDN funds. Thanks and I look forward to working with you!

Book Your Session

Once your appointment is made after purchase A.J. will send you a Zoom link a day or two prior to your scheduled session. Appointments are 50 minutes in length.
April 2025
May 2025
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Please Note: All scheduled sessions (after purchase) will be in Eastern Time and you will need to calculate that to your own time zone. Thank You!. Booked/Scheduled Sessions changes notification 24-48 hours for any booked purchased session that you need to reschedule is very appreciated. Time-zone mistakes that cause missed scheduled sessions can be re-scheduled.

I also have some sliding scale fees (wait list time varies for these as well – contact me for more information). When you purchase a session or sessions they are not transferable to anyone else.

I have been working with clients online since 1995 and in person since 1990 in my local area. I am a Counsellor as well as Trauma Recovery Specialist (Note: I must use the term “Coach” outside of Ontario) and I have all these 34 years of experience specializing in BPD Relationship Breakup Recovery, how to stop Relationship Recycling  for those who are non-borderline Ex’s, whether codependent or not, I work with clients in Codependency Recovery, Narcissistic Abuse recovery and healing and recovery from any and all relationship types with someone with BPD or NPD. I also work with clients with BPD or Low-range NPD. I also work with clients with CPTSD and other issues. I help people to break the BPD or NPD relationship trauma bond which involves exploring Family of Origin and Inner Child healing work to individuate from assigned roles in the family system as well. I also work with clients who are an adult child of a Borderline or Narcissist parent.