How can we as parents cope with our Borderline children or adult-children? Somehow, BPD has robbed these children of reality on all levels. I don’t think our BPD kids realize how far out there they really are. It’s as if they truly believe normal people live the way they do. Our parental examples do not seem to make any impact or bear relevance to their lifestyle.
I Can’t Rescue My Borderline Daughter – A Father
I told my borderline daughter, Joan, she had to get into therapy or she could move out of my house. She made an appointment on her own. Joan will not take any medications. You can’t force these kids to get help. You can set guidelines to protect yourself to some extent.
The Experience of a Father of a Borderline Daughter
This is the journey of a man who is the father of two daughters. One, his oldest, had Borderline Personality Disorder. His youngest daughter does not.
Adult-Child of Borderline Personality Disordered Parents – The Search for Closure
Adult-children of a parent or parents with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are often trapped in very painful, dysfunctional, and toxic relationship with their borderline parent(s). What keeps adult-children trapped in the unhealthy, unrewarding, and toxic relationship is the need for validation that could bring about closure to the gaping wound of abandonment.
BPD Family
Some people have BPD in the family whereas I came from a family of BPD. Children do learn what they live. The effects of Borderline Personality Disorder on family members is far-reaching and profound.