There is help to be found for those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). While the main core of this help is best delivered by professional therapists one must be careful when choosing a therapist. One must also be ready and prepared to take personal responsibility for helping him or herself.
Parents of Those with BPD – What to do?
Parents of a teen or adult-child who has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder often feel guilty. There are cases where there has been neglect, abandonment, or abuse, and then there are cases where someone who did the best they could and did not abuse a child ends up with a teen or young adult-child who is diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Evil?
Borderline Personality Disorder and evil? Are those diagnosed with BPD actually evil? Why is that so many people, even non borderline communities on the web want to forward this concept? To represent someone else as evil or diabolic may well say more about the person judging than the person deemed to be evil or diabolic.
A.J. Mahari’s Ebooks and Audio Programs and more at
A.J. Mahari has recently launched her new website, Phoenix Rising Publications where you can purchase her Ebooks, Audio Programs, Life Coaching Services, Self Help Courses, and Educational Videos.
Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder – The Lost Self – The Impact of the Core Wound of Abandonment Ebook
A.J. Mahari’s 8th ebook on the subject of Borderline Personality Disorder is now available. Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder – The Lost Self – The Impact of the Core Wound of Abandonment © A.J. Mahari, September 2008
A.J Mahari on Video On BPD for Those with Borderline Personality Disorder
A.J. Mahari, author, life coach and strategist, on video talking about the issues and challenges that those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder face. Mahari stresses that recovery is possible and that there is hope for recovery.
Borderline Personality is not just a Women’s Mental Illness
Borderline Personality Disorder is not a mental illness that afflicts only women. It may seem that only women are diagnosed with BPD because we read and hear much more about the experiences of women and of course more women, still, seek help then do men.
Borderline Personality Disorder – The Need and Search for Hope
People with Borderline Personality Disorder will benefit from searching for hope. There is hope for recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder. It is a challenge to find and learn to trust hope from the active throes of BPD where thinking and feeling and mired in polarized negativity.
Suicide is Not the Answer to The Pain of Borderline Personality Disorder
For many with Borderline Personality Disorder, suicide, especially in times of triggered dysregulated emotions or loss, can seem like the only solution to end pain that they just do not know how to cope with. Suicide, however, is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Borderline Personality Disorder Resources – Canada is a website focusing mainly on Borderline Personality Disorder resources available in Canada with some information from other countries as well. Are you in Canada and do you treat BPD, have a website about BPD or Blog about BPD? If so, I’d sure like to hear from you and include you on
Wants and Needs in Borderline Personality Disorder
People diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder have difficulty emotionally identifying what they want and what they need and the difference between wants and needs.
The Rupture and Repair of Cooperation in Borderline Personality Disorder – Study Points to Malfunction in the Brain of Those With BPD
Cooperation and/or trust is very difficult, if not next to impossible for those in the active throes of Borderline Personality Disorder. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine have identified a brain malfunction that they have associated with borderline personality disorder.
Borderline Reality – An Ode to Loss
Borderline Personality Disorder causes tremendous loss. This is an ode to my loss. A loss that though grieved and healed beyond BPD still requires on-going expression from time to time.
The Quiet Borderline
The Quiet Borderline is often misunderstood and does not present or come across like the classic “acting out” borderline. A look at how the quiet borderline is different from the “average” borderline.
Borderline Personality – The Surrender of Radical Acceptance
For those who have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) the surrender of Radical Acceptance can mean the difference between getting on the road to recovery or remaining stuck in the active and very painful throes of BPD.
Those With Borderline Personality Disorder And Hearing What Others Are Saying
If you have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) you may well be ignorning or not taking seriously a wealth of information that is available to you. Sometimes the most valuable thing a borderline can do is delay, if not stop, protecting, reacting, and coming to his or her own defense and just sit with what others are saying to you.
“Brain Disorder” and Borderline Personality
What do professionals mean when they use the words, “brain disorder” when referring to Borderline Personality Disorder? I am not sure that I am clear about this at all. In fact, really, it is as clear as mud when you contrast and compare the various ways that different professionals employ this terminology.
Is Borderline Behaviour Due To The “Illness” of Borderline Personality – The Brain Disorder?
Is borderline behaviour due to the “illness” of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? Is it caused by the brain? Whose responsibility does this way of thinking make it? What happens to the concept of personal responsibility?
Borderline Personality Disorder and Unrealistic Expectations
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), regardless of what is thought to cause it, manifests as a relational disorder. Those with BPD often have unrealistic expectations. This disorder of relating is largely driven by distorted thoughts and unrealistic expectations.
Borderline Personality Disorder Is Treatable
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is treatable. If you have been diagnosed with BPD there is reason to hope. It is not in the comfort zone of many with BPD to trust feeling hope. Hope is not a part of polarized negative thinking. This is what makes hope something so challenging to those with BPD. The absence of hope only further fuels the hallmark of BPD – polarized all-or-nothing black-and-white negative thinking.