For so many, there is, from birth a primal pain, an insecure attachment at best or no bonding and no attachment to mother at worst. This creates, depending upon the infant to toddler’s experience, varying degrees of an intra-psychic injury,
Toxic People – Instincts and Knowing – The Salve That Can Protect Us From Them
When someone tells you who they are, believe them. What is often not thought about in the arena of human life is that for all of the ability we have to think, feel, and perceive that may set us apart
5 Key Elements For BPD Loved Ones To Be Aware Of
Author, Life Coach, BPD/Loved Ones Coach, A.J. Mahari describes 5 very central key elements for loved ones of those with Borderline Personality, family members of a person with BPD, Ex’s, significant others of those with BPD need to know and
What was the First Step In My Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder?
Borderline Personality Disorder, while a very formidable and serious mental illness, does not have to be a life sentence. It does not have to mean you will always be the way that you are right now or that you will always be unhappy and/or in pain. You do not have to always be where you are right now. Recovery from BPD is possible.
Borderline Personality Disorder – Recovery and The Question: Who am I?
At the heart of the process of recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder is the need to find one’s lost self – an authentic self that has been lost to the core wound of abandonment in BPD. BPD recovery requires first asking the question, Who am I? Secondly, it requires finding the answer to that question.