Borderline Personality Disorder is a formidable challenge for those diagnosed with it and for those who love and care about them. It is painful for everyone. Especially severely negatively effected are the parents of adult-children with Borderline Personality Disorder who do not want any help and yet may at the same time be leaving you very worried for them and angry about their refusal to get help. What is a parent to do? How do you cope?
BPD and Pain
Borderline Personality Disorder is a very painful mental illness to live with for those who are diagnosed with it as well as family members, loved ones, and relationship partners. In her latest BPD Audio Podcast, A.J. Mahari talks about the pain of BPD.
Intimacy With Someone Who Has Borderline Personality Disorder?
Is intimacy possible with someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? Can you really create a bond with someone with BPD? Family members and relationship partners of those with BPD as well as friends often find out that those with BPD are not capable of achieving or sustaining a healthy bond.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Evil?
Borderline Personality Disorder and evil? Are those diagnosed with BPD actually evil? Why is that so many people, even non borderline communities on the web want to forward this concept? To represent someone else as evil or diabolic may well say more about the person judging than the person deemed to be evil or diabolic.