Ending a Relationship With a Borderline Parent – Adult Children of BPD

Adult children of those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder often struggle with many aspects of the relationship (or lack thereof) with the parent that has BPD. Responses of adult-children with a parent with Borderline Personality Disorder to questions from A.J. Mahari about ending the relationship with the borderline parent.

A.J. Mahari’s Videos About Her Experience as an Adult Child of a Borderline Mother and a Borderline Father

A.J. Mahari, a woman who recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder over 12 years ago now, had 2 parents with BPD who did not recover. A.J. has done some videos now about her thoughts and experience about being the adult child of a borderline father and a borderline mother and finding her way to emotional freedom and her own closure.

Adult-Child of Borderline Personality Disordered Parents – The Search for Closure

Adult-children of a parent or parents with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are often trapped in very painful, dysfunctional, and toxic relationship with their borderline parent(s). What keeps adult-children trapped in the unhealthy, unrewarding, and toxic relationship is the need for validation that could bring about closure to the gaping wound of abandonment.