People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) never apologize. Why is that? How many times have you been down tumbling painfully down the rabbit hole of trying to be seen and heard when you have had your feelings hurt or your
The Only Protection from the BPD, NPD, or Psychopath
What is the only absolute and healthy protection from those with BPD, NPD, or ASPD – the sociopath or psychopath? It is not what you might think. This sure fire healthy way to really protect yourself isn’t about protection at
Why Cluster B Loved Ones More Emotionally Reactive
Cluster B Personality Disorders as defined in the DSM-5 create for loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, adult children, and anyone in their proximity, a “crazy-making” gaslighing, abusive and chaotically devoid of boundaries and limits experience. This hurts even the mentally healthy
Borderline Narcissistic Psychopathic Love Bombing – Red Flags and How To Help Yourself
If you have been, or are being, love bombed by a person with Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality, or Anti-Social Personality (ASPD) – a sociopath or a psychopath this video describes what you need to recognize most to help yourself. People
The Unexamined Victim: Women Who Love Psychopaths
By Sandra L. Brown [This article first appeared in Issue 13 of The Dot Connector Magazine] “We can’t prevent what we don’t identify, we can’t treat what we don’t diagnose. And we