Everyone has questions in their lives. Questions that they may not know the answer to, questions they may not even have realized they need the answers to yet. We need to live our way to the answers to life questions
Being Awake, Aware, and Involved In Your Life – Evolutionary Enlightenment
In the process of our own self growth and personal development we are all at varying stages of awakening to our evolutionary enlightenment. Do you seem to be going through the motions in your life? Do you feel like you
Self-Acceptance and Forgiveness
Life Coach Zen © A.J. Mahari: Self-acceptance and the ability to forgive yourself is so important to living with a clear conscious and a peaceful heart and mind. The degree to which you accept yourself and can forgive yourself will
Common Denominator Experiences
Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, has come to realize, in all of her year of personal growth and Life Coaching others that Common Denominator Experiences are touchstones of awareness seeking to get and engage your attention. These moments are teachers in
What Is On Your Mind Justifies Your Experience
What is on your mind, that is to say, what you focus on, is what will shape and justify your experience of yourself, of others, and of life. More people are becoming increasingly aware that how and what they think
Preparing for Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder
For those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder the idea of recovery is often a mystery. Many with BPD don’t believe that they can recover. I am someone who has recovered and I am here to share that it is possible and the steps that one can take to truly prepare for finding the way out of BPD.