Abusive Narcissists Out Themselves

Let the Narcissist self-destruct and defeat him or herself. Give them enough rope by disengaging and not being the mouse to their cat and mouse game of abusing you just to feel better. Narcissists enjoy admiration. However, most Narcissists enjoy

Treatment For Borderline Personality Does Not Mean Psychiatric Meds

BPD Coach and Peer-Therapist, A.J. Mahari, who recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder in 1995, has a new website that focuses on holistic and alternative as well as some aspects of traditional treatment for BPD. Mahari was the child and later the adult-child of 2 Borderline Parents. She is the Ex of person with BPD/NPD that she was in a relationship with and that she ended and then had to recover from as an Ex-Partner of someone with BPD/NPD, years after her recovery. She has been coaching clients since 2000.

Thought Changing Affirmations A Major Part of Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder

Author, Life Coach, BPD/Mental Health and Self Improvement Coach, A.J. Mahari now has her Thought Changing Affirmations Handbooks 5 Volume Set available. Through the use of these positive affirmations, one a day, or one a week, you can learn to change your negative painful thoughts into more positive pain-neutral and/or happy contented thoughts. Whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve. If you want and need to stop suffering and to experience more peace, more calm, less to eventually no emotional dysregulation in your life than Mahari’s 5 Volume Set of Changing Your Thought Positive Affirmation Handbooks will be invaluable to you in your recovery process. A natural way to help empower your own recovery. A natural way that you have control over to change your negative thoughts into positive ones. You will feel so much better about yourself. Thoughts define our experience. What you think really controls what you experience, your pain, difficulty in relating to others, in relationships, in knowing who you are and so much more. It is all generated by the rigid thought patterns you’ve built up from a very young age and added to over the years. Affirmations might sound silly, or hardly like a hopeful solution to improve the quality of your life, but take it from Mahari who not only knows this and witnesses incredible change in the clients she coaches but she knows this first hand having recovered from BPD in 1995.

Adult Children of BPD Need Their Own Recovery

Speaking not only as a Life Coach, BPD, and mental Health Coach, A.J. Mahari emphasizes to you, if you are adult child of a parent with BPD, NPD, or any personality disorder (or combination of said) that you need your own recovery. Children do learn what they live. A great deal of the inter-generational suffering of those who were the children of a personality disordered parent or parents has to do with the toxic legacy of not resolving issues such as codependence, enmeshment, toxic relating, chaotic and unhealthy relationships with one’s parent(s). There is a legacy to having been the child of a personality disordered parent or parents and A.J. Mahari knows this all-too-well in her own personal life as well having had a mother with BPD and a father with BPD/NPD. Personality Disordered parents are not emotionally available and children are negatively impacted as a result. Adult children of a personality disordered parent or parents need their own recovery.

Borderline Personality Disorder – Recovery is Possible!

As an Author, Life Coach, BPD/Mental Health Coach, I know first-hand that recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder is very possible because I recovered from BPD in 1995. I also coach many clients with BPD that are in the active process of recovery now. I know what recovery from BPD is, means, looks like, feels like, and what it entails because I have been through it. And, an important point I want to stress for you to think about today, if you have BPD, is that when I recovered in 1995 – which was an unfolding process over eight years that culminated in recovery as the result of a 7 month out-patient group therapy experience that was eclectic but mainly based in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) – I did not take psychiatric medication. This is how and why I know that medication, while it can be helpful in some cases, for some period of limited time in conjunction with therapy, is not in any way what makes or breaks recovery.

Intimacy and Borderline Personality Means Push-Pull

Borderlines are incapable of intimacy which leaves loved ones and family members – non borderlines -experiencing borderline push-pull which can be crazy-making. By the very nature of BPD, borderlines as the result of their defense mechanisms of splitting, projection, and narcissism, can’t help but push-pull. When those with untreated Borderline Personality Disorder try to get close to someone – attain emotional intimacy – they immediately fear engulfment so they push away or push the non borderline away.

Borderline Personality Disorder – Fault vs Responsibility

Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious and complicated mental illness. It does not have to be a life sentence however. People with BPD will benefit from learning to take in the paradox of fault versus responsibility. Author, speaker, Mental Health and Life Coach A.J. Mahari, talking to a BPD Group explains the reality of fault versus responsibility in Borderline Personality Disorder and its connection to BPD recovery.