Free Borderline Personality From Psychiatric Systemic Pathological Model

The time is long overdue to free Borderline Personality, what it really is, what it really means in people’s lives, from the psychiatric systemic pathological model which now includes Biopsychiatry This unproven but oh so pushed theory that Borderline Personality and any and all of what they call mental illness is a brain disorder by the “powers that be” in the dying “profession” of psychiatry needs to be challenged. Not directly, but inside of yourself so that you can find the healing and quality of life that you deserve and that is so possible to do in empowered alternative healing and recovery.

Thought Changing Affirmations A Major Part of Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder

Author, Life Coach, BPD/Mental Health and Self Improvement Coach, A.J. Mahari now has her Thought Changing Affirmations Handbooks 5 Volume Set available. Through the use of these positive affirmations, one a day, or one a week, you can learn to change your negative painful thoughts into more positive pain-neutral and/or happy contented thoughts. Whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve. If you want and need to stop suffering and to experience more peace, more calm, less to eventually no emotional dysregulation in your life than Mahari’s 5 Volume Set of Changing Your Thought Positive Affirmation Handbooks will be invaluable to you in your recovery process. A natural way to help empower your own recovery. A natural way that you have control over to change your negative thoughts into positive ones. You will feel so much better about yourself. Thoughts define our experience. What you think really controls what you experience, your pain, difficulty in relating to others, in relationships, in knowing who you are and so much more. It is all generated by the rigid thought patterns you’ve built up from a very young age and added to over the years. Affirmations might sound silly, or hardly like a hopeful solution to improve the quality of your life, but take it from Mahari who not only knows this and witnesses incredible change in the clients she coaches but she knows this first hand having recovered from BPD in 1995.

Feeling All Alone – Borderline Personality Disorder

People diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder often feel all alone. They are often triggered, when relating in various types of relationships and relational dynamics, back to what is their core wound of abandonment. BPD Coach, author, and herself someone who recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder in 1995, A.J. Mahari, talks about how and why people with BPD struggle with feeling all alone – so alone – so often, and what they can do about that. The goal is recovery. You can become aware of the way to find the road to recovery by being fully present in the moment.

What is the Story of Your Life With Borderline Personality?

Author, Life Coach, BPD and mental health Coach, asks you to think about this question. What is the story of your life with Borderline Personality? Are you aware of that story? Is it possible that the diagnosis of BPD and the application of the words Borderline Personality to you, in your life, has resulted in more negativity in your thoughts and your experience that has resulted in you being blocked from empowering your own recovery?

Psychosocial Skills and Borderline Personality Recovery

Life Coach and BPD Coach A.J. Mahari, in an excerpt from a workshop about Psychosocial skills, talks about how and why these skills are important for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. The reality that learning psychosocial skills is part of recovery from BPD. Mahari also talks about the main obstacle blocking the learning of these psychosocial skills when someone has Borderline Personality Disorder.

Abandonment Negativity Impacts Hope in BPD

In her latest Borderline Personality Disorder Inside Out podcast episode, Life and BPD Coach, A.J. Mahari talks about what she calls the core wound of abandonment and the negative impact that creates in the lives of those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). People with BPD need to find hope from the polarized negativity of BPD. Polarized negativity that has its roots in unresolved abandonment. Abandonment negativity impacts hope for those who have BPD and for their loved ones.

Invalidation in Borderline Personality Disorder

Much is being learned about various biological or neuro-biological implications for those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Whatever one believes about recent scientific exploration, the jury is still out in terms of proven and agreed upon conclusions. Invalidation in one’s environment, growing up, as a child remains a strong common denominator in the reported experience of most, if not all, who have Borderline Personality Disorder. Invalidation in Borderline Personality Disorder remains a central ingredient in so much of the relational difficulty for those with BPD and their loved ones.

Lost Self In Borderline Personality Disorder – Need and Search For Identity

People diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder do not have a sense of a known self or a stable sense of identity. In both audio and video, Author and Mental Health Coach and Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, talks about the lost self in BPD and the need and search for the lost self and for identity. Mahari talks about what it means, what it feels like to not know who you are and how that can effect your life and keep those with BPD stuck in the suffering and victimization of past abandonment trauma.

Empowering Your Self When You have Borderline Personality Disorder

People diagnosed and living with Borderline Personality Disorder often think that they cannot empower themselves. The experience of having Borderline Personality Disorder is one that can often lend itself to feeling helpless or out of control. Emotional Dysregulation leaves many with BPD feeling as if they cannot help themselves, feeling as if they can’t stand how they feel. This can often be the result of the shame and abandonment people with BPD are bound to and experience in cyclical ways. So how is it possible for someone with Borderline Personality Disorder to empower him or herself you might wonder?

Borderline Personality Self Help – The 2.0 Wave

Borderline Personality Disorder was long thought to be untreatable. In spite of maintaining its unfortunate stigmatized standing among many professionals and people generally, BPD, Mental Health and Life Coaches, like myself, along with many who are well on the road to recovery are moving forward. This forward looking movement of BPD awareness is spreading the news that BPD is highly treatable. That there really is hope. This is what I call the 2.0 wave.