Coping With and Learning From Abandonment Fear in Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has at its center abandonment. Those diagnosed with BPD have a tremendous and often all-consuming fear of abandonment. They feel or perceive the threat of abandonment in many everyday relational situations. Along with this intense fear of abandonment people with BPD have an equal and intense inability to effectively cope emotionally with this fear of abandonment in ways that would be healthier for relationships.

From False Self To Authentic Self in BPD – Getting In Touch With Your Inner Child

Those who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder get separated from the essence and conscious awareness of this precious part of “self” – the inner child – just as they are separated psychologically and emotionally from the lost authentic self.
The journey from the active throes of Borderline Personality Disorder to getting on and staying on the road to recovery is one that must include integrating one’s inner child and his or her feelings into your conscious awareness in the here and now.

Narcissism, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is part of a wider continuum of narcissism not the sum total of it all. NPD is not the sole domain of narcissism. Narcissism, to varying degrees, is also a part of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Narcissism is a primitive defense mechanism common to both personality disorders though not manifested exactly the same and not serving the exact same purpose always. Narcissism in BPD is not as extreme as it is in NPD. However, that distinction made there are many people who are diagnosed with both personality disorders. Both NPD and BPD can co-exist within an individual.

What Is Abandonment?

Abandonment has often been thought of by many to be of a physical nature – as in desertion and neglect or primarily of an emotional nature – as in when a child is not nurtured or given the necessary attention and healthy love to feel safe and secure.
Both of these situations or realities do constitute forms of abandonment. There are other types of abandonment that are often significant in the lives of those who end up diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.
If one has experienced the most prolific and painful wound of all, the core wound of abandonment without any balance for that experience, any subsequent loss and/or abandonment in life can turn your life upside down. Each and every loss or abandonment is experienced as it happens with the added pain of layers and layers of repressed pain and unresolved grief.