People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) never apologize. Why is that? How many times have you been down tumbling painfully down the rabbit hole of trying to be seen and heard when you have had your feelings hurt or your
Why Cluster B Loved Ones More Emotionally Reactive
Cluster B Personality Disorders as defined in the DSM-5 create for loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, adult children, and anyone in their proximity, a “crazy-making” gaslighing, abusive and chaotically devoid of boundaries and limits experience. This hurts even the mentally healthy
Spotting the Narcissist/Psychopath Neighbor
How to spot a Narcissistic and/or Psychopathic neighbor and why it is so important to understand what you are dealing with. What’s different and in many cases so the same with the Narcissist and/or Psychopath neighbor versus if this “being”
Social Norms vs The Psychopath Sociopath or Narcissist
The vast majority of us (often in spite of how our parents may well have failed us) learn the social norms, values, and morals of what form the basis of what is a social contract that we live within a
The Unexamined Victim: Women Who Love Psychopaths
By Sandra L. Brown [This article first appeared in Issue 13 of The Dot Connector Magazine] “We can’t prevent what we don’t identify, we can’t treat what we don’t diagnose. And we
Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath
[huge_it_share id=”1″]There are two forms of Anti Social Personality Disorder. One is sociopathy. The other is psychopathy. A person diagnosed with ASPD is either a sociopath or a psychopath. What is the difference you might wonder? Does any difference really