Loved ones, family members, partners or ex-partners of those with Borderline Personality Disorder are often confused, in pain, and struggling to cope with a loved one with BPD. Life Coach, BPD and Mental Health Coach A.J. Mahari was interviewed on
Coaching and Understanding to Help BPD Loved Ones (Non Borderlines) Cope with Someone With BPD in Your Life
Loved ones, family members, partners or ex-partners of those with Borderline Personality Disorder are often confused, in pain, and struggling to cope with a loved one with BPD. Life Coach, BPD and Mental Health Coach A.J. Mahari was interviewed on the Mental Health TV Show on the subject of BPD Loved ones and Coping with someone in your life with BPD. This interview has been broken up into three parts to fit on youtube. You can watch the there excerpts of this interview below or by going to my YouTube Channel
A.J. Mahari on Emotional Mastery
A.J. Mahari, author, Life/BPD/Emotional Mastery Coach educates on the subject of emotional mastery in general, specifically related to those with Borderline Personality Disorder and their loved ones – non borderlines as well as her Emotional Mastery Life Coaching.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Awareness
Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness is still something that needs to be raised. Awareness of Borderline Personality Disorder needs to be raised generally. Awareness in Borderline Personality Disorder still needs to be further addressed within the community of those who have BPD, treat those with BPD, or those who are loved ones, family members, or relationship partners – non borderlines of those with BPD.
A.J. Mahari BPD Awareness Online – Multifaceted and Indepth
BPD Online Awareness Initiative of A.J. Mahari, author, speak, life coach and strategist. Mahari talks about her reasons for pursuing this venue online to increase awareness about Borderline Personality Disorder, firstly for those who have it, secondly for loved ones, family members, and relationship partners and thirdly, she will also address, in up-coming videos, more about what she believes is most important for anyone interested in BPD for any reason to understand more about.
Non Borderlines and The Puzzle of Borderline Magical Thinking
Author, Life Coach and Strategist A.J. Mahari talks about magical thinking in Borderline Personality Disorder and how family members and loved ones experience it. It is a rather common experience for non borderlines to encounter and be confused by borderline “magical thinking”.
H.O.P.E. For Borderline Personality Disorder – Enigma Revealed and Understood
For many who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, as well those who are family members, loved ones, ex or relationship partners (non borderlines) of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD can be a complex enigma that isn’t well understood.
Life Coaching For Family Members of with a Borderline Loved One
A.J. Mahari has 5 years experience as life coach working primarily with family members, loved ones, ex and relationship partners of people with Borderline Personality Disorder as well as those who have BPD.