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A.J. Mahari, on the false self in Borderline Personality Disorder. It is important that those diagnosed with BPD gain more insight, understanding, and awareness into and about this false self in order to get on the road to recovery.

The false self in those with Borderline Personality Disorder is at the heart of most things borderline that are manifested relationally.
It is the false self in those with Borderline Personality Disorder that is the seat of rage and the narcissistic "all about me" neediness and often learned helplessness that others experience from those with BPD in relationships.

If you have BPD, you need to know more about this false self but you also need to understand that you are responsible for any and all actions, protective or otherwise, of this false self. The false self is not a separate "self" in borderline personality. It is, as I describe in my ebook, The Shadows and Echoes of Self – False Self in BPD  a fragmented pseudo-false self that rose out of the ashes of the borderline's core wound of abandonment as the result of the loss of the authentic self. 

While often those with BPD are not aware of this false self in conscious ways it does not negate the responsibility that they have for finding out more about what this false self means. The borderline false self is a protective self. it is the fragment of self that houses the defense mechanisms that not only play out the borderline's past and unresolved abandonment trauma but it is also the fragment of self that is self-destructive, self harming, and a major obstacle to preparing for recovery from BPD – for creating the kind of choices and effort in therapy necessary to give one the opportunity to truly recover.

© A.J. Mahari, January 11, 2009 – All rights reserved.

The False Self in Borderline Personality Disorder