Coping With and Learning From Abandonment Fear in Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has at its center abandonment. Those diagnosed with BPD have a tremendous and often all-consuming fear of abandonment. They feel or perceive the threat of abandonment in many everyday relational situations. Along with this intense fear of abandonment people with BPD have an equal and intense inability to effectively cope emotionally with this fear of abandonment in ways that would be healthier for relationships.

A.J. Mahari Facilitates Dialectical Equanimity in her Mental Health and Life Coaching

A.J. Mahari is a Mental Health and Life Coach. She works with clients from all over the world who have Borderline Personality Disorder or who have a family member, loved one, or relationship partner (or ex) who has BPD. She also works with people with many other concerns and issues in their lives. You can read much more about A.J. Mahari’s mental health and life coaching at Touchstone Life Coaching Services

The Borderline Mother

In her BPD Audio Podcast, A.J. Mahari talks about the experience of the adult-child of the borderline mother and her own experience with her own mother, who has Borderline Personality Disorder. The legacy of having a mother with Borderline Personality Disorder is often centered around a very painful lack of nurture along with insecure attachment and abandonment.

The Traps and Hooks of Unwinding the Mystery that is the Process of Letting Go – Non Borderlines

For those who are the family member, relationship partner or (ex-partner) of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – non borderlines – there are countless traps and hooks in the need and even the want of letting go of a relationship (chosen or unchosen) with someone with BPD. A.J. Mahari explains in her audio program series Inside the Borderline Mind many of the puzzle pieces of the enigma that so many non borderlines find make letting go of a relationship with a borderline much more difficult than other relationship break-ups.

Non Borderlines Trying to Understand Borderline Magical Thinking

What is Magical Thinking In BPD?
Magical thinking is essentially adhering to the (distorted) belief that thoughts can cause events. When someone with BPD is magically thinking and thoughts seem to cause events what is also often a part of this experience for the borderline is that what they feel becomes a fact to him or her in what is a distorted sense of “reality”.

Narcissism, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is part of a wider continuum of narcissism not the sum total of it all. NPD is not the sole domain of narcissism. Narcissism, to varying degrees, is also a part of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Narcissism is a primitive defense mechanism common to both personality disorders though not manifested exactly the same and not serving the exact same purpose always. Narcissism in BPD is not as extreme as it is in NPD. However, that distinction made there are many people who are diagnosed with both personality disorders. Both NPD and BPD can co-exist within an individual.