Borderline Personality Disorder In Men – The Myth of High/Low Functioning in BPD – BPD is not a Brain Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder may still be diagnosed more in women than men. What does this mean? It is unlikely that fewer men have Borderline Personality Disorder. It is likely that the numbers aren’t as skewed as many believe, or as stereotypes and stigma forward. There is a bias among most who diagnosed mental illness. Many men who may in fact have BPD can end up being diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) instead. I have many clients who are men with Borderline Personality Disorder. What is often over-looked is that young children have needs. Needs that must be addressed sufficiently in order for psychologically and spiritually healthy emotional development regardless of gender.

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – End Negative Thought Patterns

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – 19 Coaching Exercises To Help You Change Negative Thought Patterns by Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, is a 102 page Ebook chalk full of information and 19 coaching exercises to help you change negative thinking into positive thinking. This Ebook stresses how much you will benefit from focusing postively on the here-and-now so that the decisions you are making today will help you create a positive, successful and productive future. And this Ebook doesn’t just tell you that, it provides you with practical exercises that will show you how to create positive change and how to not only stop focusing on the negative, stop worrying, but also stop feeling so stressed and stop ruminating on intrusive, negative, and unwanted thoughts. Not everyone can afford Life Coaching. This Ebook gives you exercises to do that I use with many of my clients and now you too can get this help and at a fraction of the price.

BPD Recovery and Lost Relationships

Does recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder mean recovering lost relationships, friendships, or even family connections? In my experience the answer is often – no. It is important to grieve, let go and move on and to learn from past failed interpersonal dynamics so that they are not repeated in the future. What was then, was then. This is now. There are new people to meet, new relationships to forge and a recovered borderline has him/herself to fall back on in the meantime. Trying to turn back time can mean risking your recovery. It can mean falling back into old unhealthy patterns of relating. This, along with the reality of too much damage often done when one has BPD, means that moving forward is not only best for those you have hurt in the past, but it is also best for you as you continue to build your new life in recovery from BPD.

Borderline personality disorder in mom predicts teen’s social problems

Is there a connection between whether a relationship exists between mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder and depression, challenges in interpersonal functioning, and/or attachment difficulties in their children? There was a study done to try to determine the effects of mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder on their teen’s social problems.

A.J. Mahari Facilitates Dialectical Equanimity in her Mental Health and Life Coaching

A.J. Mahari is a Mental Health and Life Coach. She works with clients from all over the world who have Borderline Personality Disorder or who have a family member, loved one, or relationship partner (or ex) who has BPD. She also works with people with many other concerns and issues in their lives. You can read much more about A.J. Mahari’s mental health and life coaching at Touchstone Life Coaching Services