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Borderline Personality Disorder, while a very formidable and serious mental illness, does not have to be a life sentence. It does not have to mean you will always be the way that you are right now or that you will always be unhappy and/or in pain. You do not have to always be where you are right now. Recovery from BPD is possible.

You can take this first step toward healing and recovery the moment that you choose to. You really can make new choices that will reward you with new and much more positive results, in therapy, in life, in working with me as your Mental Health Coach

I am often asked how did I recover and what does that mean. I will be speaking to this much more in the near future in audio that can be purchased at Phoenix Rising Publications.

What was the first step in my recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder?

I'm not sure there is really just one answer to this. Each step in the process of recovery is multifaceted. However, if I had to name just one, I'd say that first step was recognizing that nothing in my life was really working and that I was the common denominator in everything that went wrong or was destroyed in my own life.

I had really become the center of all that was still fueling and causing me such pain. I was the person who wasn't getting along with anyone. I was the one devaluing everyone, sooner or later. I was the one trying so hard to control everything and everyone around me because inside, emotionally, I was so out of control of myself – a "self" I did not really even know. I was the one. It was me. All of the problems that I had when I had BPD were really problems that I had that came from inside of me and would then often be projected out onto others. I would then experience things as if they were coming from others when really they weren't.

I was the common denominator in all of my own life's experience. This is true whether or not one has BPD. However, when you have BPD this is a crucial awareness to get in touch with, painful though it may be, because it is the stepping stone to personal responsibility which is the gateway to change and recovery.

© A.J. Mahari, July 17, 2009 – All rights reserved.

A.J. Mahari, who recovered from BPD 14 years ago, is a Life Coach who, among other things, specializes in working with those with Asperger's Syndrome and their partners, relatives,or friends. A.J. has 6 years experience as a
Life Coach and coaches with clients from all over the world.

What was the First Step In My Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder?