Are you a Loved One or Family Member of Someone With Borderline Personality?

Are you a loved one or family member of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder? Are you searching for a deeper understanding of BPD and of how to take care of yourself? Those who have a family member or loved one with BPD, or who have been in a relationship with someone with BPD will benefit from increasing their understanding of both Borderline Personality Disorder itself and the dilemmas that it presents on The Other Side of it

Insecure attachment in Borderline Personality Disorder: Links to rage and abuse

Those who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder have at the roots of their insecure attachment a rage that is often the source of so much abusive behaviour. Insecure attachment, one of the major root causes of BPD, leaves those with BPD recreating the ruptured relating they experienced that caused their emotional development to arrest resulting in the lost self – the loss of authentic self that is then supplanted by a false self that has no understanding of healthy or consistent relating.

The Borderline Mother

In her BPD Audio Podcast, A.J. Mahari talks about the experience of the adult-child of the borderline mother and her own experience with her own mother, who has Borderline Personality Disorder. The legacy of having a mother with Borderline Personality Disorder is often centered around a very painful lack of nurture along with insecure attachment and abandonment.

The Human Borderline and The Non Borderline Reality

The human borderline and the non borderline dilemma. What does that mean? Why would I phrase this like this you may wonder? I can’t count the number of times I’ve listened to non borderline clients I life coach or read non borderlines emails where, in their understandable pain and confusion, family members, loved ones, relationship partners of those with BPD – non borderlines – make statements that question the reality of those with Borderline Personality Disorder being human or not.

Adult-Child of Borderline Personality Disordered Parents – The Search for Closure

Adult-children of a parent or parents with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are often trapped in very painful, dysfunctional, and toxic relationship with their borderline parent(s). What keeps adult-children trapped in the unhealthy, unrewarding, and toxic relationship is the need for validation that could bring about closure to the gaping wound of abandonment.