Life Coach, author, writer/narrartor of Audio Programs, A.J. Mahari, in her “Steps to Coping With …” series draws upon not only her own personal life experience with learning to cope in ways that are effective in creating positive and lasting
Be Confident – Affirmation
How to learn to be more confident in yourself and in what is changing in you and around you along with how you cope with stress. Be confident – an affirmation to help you think more about what you need
Why is It We Need Steps To Cope With Life?
Life Coach and Author, A.J. Mahari, poses the question, why is it we need steps to coping with life? Life is difficult. Many do not get the emotional, psychological, and social tools and skills that they need to be on
Overcome Obstacles To Success
In order for anyone to be successful, they, at some point in time, will have to overcome a obstacles that challenge their goals and dreams. In order to be successful, you have to overcome a many things. Some of those
Stop Overreacting – Effective Strategies For Calming Your Emotions
Author, Life Coach, BPD and Mental Health Coach, A.J. Mahari will be interviewing Dr. Judith P. Siegel, Ph.D., LCSW, on Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 6pm EST on her Psyche Whisperer Radio Show Do you overreact to many things emotionally?
What is the Story of Your Life With Borderline Personality?
Author, Life Coach, BPD and mental health Coach, asks you to think about this question. What is the story of your life with Borderline Personality? Are you aware of that story? Is it possible that the diagnosis of BPD and the application of the words Borderline Personality to you, in your life, has resulted in more negativity in your thoughts and your experience that has resulted in you being blocked from empowering your own recovery?
Psychiatric Oppression of Biopsychiatry – Interview with Dr. John Breeding Ph.D.
Are you normal? Do the concepts of Mental Health and Mental Illness serve any purpose other than to divide people arbitrarily and cause people shame that alienates them from themselves? Does psychiatry today, and more specifically biopsychiatry even believe that anyone is or can be normal? What is normal? Many argue that biopsychiatry – the direction the psychiatric profession is taking in defining mental illlness as “brain disorder” or “brain disease” and then seeking to treat it with all kinds of medications, many that do way more harm than good, is predicated on labeling almost everyone with something which calls into question just what disordered means. Dr. John Breeding Ph.D. was my guest on The Psyche Whisperer Radio Show, Wednesday August 4th, live at 3pm EST. You can now listen to the archived interview here. Dr. Breeding talked about, among other things, psychiatric oppression and what mental health consumers really do need to know and think more about when it comes to what mental illness is and how it can be most effectively treated and coped with if it even is what it is thought by so many people to be. What are the implications of biopsychiatry for people given the label and diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder?
Shifting the Paradigm of Borderline Personality
Life Coach, Author, BPD and Mental Health Coach, A.J. Mahari invites you to join her on her newest website, Beyond Borderline Personality with an open mind. There is a lot to be gained from thinking outside of the status quo box that is the “medical” or “biological” model that is a pseudo-science attempt on the part of mainstream psychiatry today, particularly in the United States, to explain a diagnostic category that in and of itself, can be questioned in many ways. Borderline Personality is a flawed stereotypical pathologizing of stigma against too many people, too many women, to what end? What happens when we challenge the status quo?
Mother of Daughter With Borderline Personality Disorder – Coping with Splitting
BPD Coach, A.J. Mahari, responds to a mother of a daughter with Borderline Personality Disorder about coping with her daughter’s splitting, acting in and acting out and her concern for her grandson along with her own pain. Loved ones of those with BPD can and will benefit from radical acceptance practice and detaching with love.
Coping With and Learning From Abandonment Fear in Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has at its center abandonment. Those diagnosed with BPD have a tremendous and often all-consuming fear of abandonment. They feel or perceive the threat of abandonment in many everyday relational situations. Along with this intense fear of abandonment people with BPD have an equal and intense inability to effectively cope emotionally with this fear of abandonment in ways that would be healthier for relationships.
Splitting, Devaluation, Projection, and Lack of Trust in Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder is manifested largely through the defense mechanism of splitting. Splitting is vacillating between the extremes of idealization and devaluation. What results from the negative half of splitting – devaluation is projection and lack of trust. A.J. Mahari, author, speaker, mental health and life coach, in a video, talks about how the negative thinking experienced in the devaluing half of borderline splitting obliterates idealization and produces a marked shift in the mood and behaviour of the borderline.
A.J. Mahari’s Videos On Borderline Personality Disorder for those with BPD and Loved Ones of BPD
Author, speaker, mental health and life coach, A.J. Mahari, herself a woman who recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder 14 years ago has many edited, up-dated, and new videos on various aspects and facets of Borderline Personality Disorder for those with BPD and for family members, loved ones, ex or relationship partners of those with BPD – non borderlines.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Evil?
Borderline Personality Disorder and evil? Are those diagnosed with BPD actually evil? Why is that so many people, even non borderline communities on the web want to forward this concept? To represent someone else as evil or diabolic may well say more about the person judging than the person deemed to be evil or diabolic.
Borderline Personality – I Want You To Rescue Me – So Rescue Me!
People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often are not consciously aware of it but they want to be rescued and they want you – the family member, the loved one, the relationship partner – the non borderline – to rescue them.