Gaslighting Abuse of Narcissistic Personality Disorder – For Loved Ones

Narcissistic Personality Disordered people gaslight their love ones and those closest to them in attempts to meet their own narcissistic supply needs. Gaslighting is a method of psychological abuse and it is very confusing and wounding. All-too-often, so many who

Mindful Focus For Just You Relaxation Audio

A Mindful Focus Just For You Relaxation Affirmation Audio is a positive affirming 60 minute audio to help you take a mini-vacation from worry, negative thoughts, and negative core beliefs about yourself that you may be or have being holding

Transform Your Self Talk – Change Your Life

Want and need change of any kind in your life? Begin by becoming more aware of your negative and/or self-critical self talk. Begin a journey of re-framing that negative/critical self-talk into positive affirming self-talk that will transform you in ways

Can’t Have What you Want?

[huge_it_share id=”1″]For many people with mental health challenges not getting what you want or not being able to have what you thought you wanted can be a very triggering and anger-producing dysregulated and overwhelming emotional place to be. It will

Free Borderline Personality From Psychiatric Systemic Pathological Model

The time is long overdue to free Borderline Personality, what it really is, what it really means in people’s lives, from the psychiatric systemic pathological model which now includes Biopsychiatry This unproven but oh so pushed theory that Borderline Personality and any and all of what they call mental illness is a brain disorder by the “powers that be” in the dying “profession” of psychiatry needs to be challenged. Not directly, but inside of yourself so that you can find the healing and quality of life that you deserve and that is so possible to do in empowered alternative healing and recovery.

Radical Acceptance Meditative Practice Audio For Those with Borderline Personality

3RadicalAcceptanceMeditativePracticeaudiocoverLife Coach, BPD/Mental Health and Self Improvement Coach, A.J. Mahari in this original Radical Acceptance Meditative Practice audio for people with Borderline Personality Disorder offers an unique and practical way to actually begin or continue to practice radical acceptance while learning how to build some new coping skills that will help people with BPD take breaks from the pain, negativity, suffering, rage, and emotional dysregulation and reactivity that is at the heart of so much of their daily experience.

Paradox and Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder

Author, Life Coach, BPD and Mental Health Coach, A.J. Mahari talks about the central paradox at the heart of recovery from BPD. People with BPD have layered defenses against emotional pain that they do not know how to cope with. It is that very pain that must be felt, re-integrated and coped with that is at the heart of the process of recovery from BPD – that’s the paradox. For many with BPD it is a living-paradox experienced as hopelessness and helplessness. Yet, this living-paradox when it comes to BPD and specifically recovery from BPD is really a source of hope but one must first overcome his or her fear of the unknown and open up to learning to cope with their emotions.

Coaching and Understanding to Help BPD Loved Ones (Non Borderlines) Cope with Someone With BPD in Your Life

Loved ones, family members, partners or ex-partners of those with Borderline Personality Disorder are often confused, in pain, and struggling to cope with a loved one with BPD. Life Coach, BPD and Mental Health Coach A.J. Mahari was interviewed on the Mental Health TV Show on the subject of BPD Loved ones and Coping with someone in your life with BPD. This interview has been broken up into three parts to fit on youtube. You can watch the there excerpts of this interview below or by going to my YouTube Channel