What is Emotional Self Control?

What is emotional self control and why is it important? What skills does emotional self control require? How you can develop those skills and questions to ask yourself to self-reflect on what you may benefit from learning more about the

Life Isn’t Fair

This is a central negative core belief that so many people are often left with from childhood – that Life “Should” be Fair. Let go of this toxic dichotomy of “fair vs unfair” and take personal responsibility and ownership of

Running From The Self – A.J. Mahari’s Podcast

Are you running from your “self”. Do you know who you are and what you want. Do you feel empowered? Too many people are avoiding the kind of self-awareness and understanding that empower change and I help people in Life

Transform Your Self Talk – Change Your Life

Want and need change of any kind in your life? Begin by becoming more aware of your negative and/or self-critical self talk. Begin a journey of re-framing that negative/critical self-talk into positive affirming self-talk that will transform you in ways

Can’t Have What you Want?

[huge_it_share id=”1″]For many people with mental health challenges not getting what you want or not being able to have what you thought you wanted can be a very triggering and anger-producing dysregulated and overwhelming emotional place to be. It will

Introspection Helps One Heal, Recover, and Grow From Within – 6 Benefits

Life, with all its challenges, pain, difficulty and paradoxically co-existing beauty and ease is all about the learning experiences. Mistakes are growth opportunities and need not be feared. We have all made mistakes and we will all make more. The more open

Being Awake, Aware, and Involved In Your Life – Evolutionary Enlightenment

In the process of our own self growth and personal development we are all at varying stages of awakening to our evolutionary enlightenment. Do you seem to be going through the motions in your life? Do you feel like you

What is the Story of Your Life With Borderline Personality?

Author, Life Coach, BPD and mental health Coach, asks you to think about this question. What is the story of your life with Borderline Personality? Are you aware of that story? Is it possible that the diagnosis of BPD and the application of the words Borderline Personality to you, in your life, has resulted in more negativity in your thoughts and your experience that has resulted in you being blocked from empowering your own recovery?

Mental Illness and The Brain – What’s Wrong with Psychiatry?

Mental Illness and The Brain – What’s Wrong with Psychiatry? Mental illness – is it biological or isn’t? What do you think? I guess I’m a rebel at heart, someone who thinks outside of the box. I know in my own experience, having recovered 15 years from Borderline Personality Disorder, that along the way, on my journey, I had a psychiatrist tell me I wouldn’t get better until they developed some pill – I didn’t believe him. He wasn’t correct. I fired him on the spot after that comment. That was 1987. That was before this notion now forwarded that everything mental illness is a “brain disorder”. Professional in psychiatry are speaking out against the “status quo” of mental illness as a “brain disorder”.

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – End Negative Thought Patterns

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – 19 Coaching Exercises To Help You Change Negative Thought Patterns by Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, is a 102 page Ebook chalk full of information and 19 coaching exercises to help you change negative thinking into positive thinking. This Ebook stresses how much you will benefit from focusing postively on the here-and-now so that the decisions you are making today will help you create a positive, successful and productive future. And this Ebook doesn’t just tell you that, it provides you with practical exercises that will show you how to create positive change and how to not only stop focusing on the negative, stop worrying, but also stop feeling so stressed and stop ruminating on intrusive, negative, and unwanted thoughts. Not everyone can afford Life Coaching. This Ebook gives you exercises to do that I use with many of my clients and now you too can get this help and at a fraction of the price.