Known as Cluster B Personality Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM 5) the “bible of psychiatry” (for what it is worth) includes Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Anti-Social Personality Disorder (psychopaths & sociopaths). These diagnoses are not
15 Signs It’s Time To End a Toxic Relationship
A.J. Mahari’s YouTube Channel over 600+ Videos and her Audio Podcast Videos People with mental health challenges, Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality, other personality disorders manipulate your feelings and fool you as you fall in love with them. Narcissists
The Effects of NPD – What it is & Why Narcissists Hurt You So Much
What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What are the effects of Narc abuse? Why do narcissists hurt and traumatize so much? A look at the reality of narcissistic abuse and what NPD is and what happens to those who love someone
The Core of NPD & the Difference Between Overt & Covert Narcissists
What is at the heart or center of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? This central result of an intra-psychic narcissistic injury also reveals the core difference between overt and covert narcissists. © A.J. Mahari – All rights reserved (except quoted & noted
Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse – Face your pain – Find Yourself
What are you or were you so afraid of when being abuse by the Narcissist, Borderline, or Psychopath? What was it that kept you or may still be keeping you from what you need to know now – so that
The Core of Narcissistic Personality – Overt/Covert Difference
In this podcast episode, also, uploaded to my Youtube Channel I talk about what is the central core of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And what that central core pathology means to how and why narcissists do what they do. Why they
An Overview of Complex Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) What is it? Symptoms of it.
In the first episode of my new Podcast, “Pathways To Healing” (I hope you might follow me) largely on everything Cluster B and other relevant information and aspects of healing and recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, I focus on what Complex
Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Abuse in All Relationship Types
Narcissistic culture is breeding an epidemic of narcissism, yes, but, even more specifically here I am referring to the increasing epidemic of people with diagnosed or undiagnosed Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The reality of the exploding narcissistic culture that we all
Abusive Narcissists Out Themselves
Let the Narcissist self-destruct and defeat him or herself. Give them enough rope by disengaging and not being the mouse to their cat and mouse game of abusing you just to feel better. Narcissists enjoy admiration. However, most Narcissists enjoy
Narcissists Never Apologize – Don’t go down the rabbit hole
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) never apologize. Why is that? How many times have you been down tumbling painfully down the rabbit hole of trying to be seen and heard when you have had your feelings hurt or your
The Only Protection from the BPD, NPD, or Psychopath
What is the only absolute and healthy protection from those with BPD, NPD, or ASPD – the sociopath or psychopath? It is not what you might think. This sure fire healthy way to really protect yourself isn’t about protection at
Are you an Object of Cluster B Supply? What to do?
Are you an object of a person or more than one person with a Cluster B Personality Disorder? Either Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Anti-Social Personality Disorder – the sociopath or psychopath? Do you realize that people with these
Why Cluster B Loved Ones More Emotionally Reactive
Cluster B Personality Disorders as defined in the DSM-5 create for loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, adult children, and anyone in their proximity, a “crazy-making” gaslighing, abusive and chaotically devoid of boundaries and limits experience. This hurts even the mentally healthy
Spotting the Narcissist/Psychopath Neighbor
How to spot a Narcissistic and/or Psychopathic neighbor and why it is so important to understand what you are dealing with. What’s different and in many cases so the same with the Narcissist and/or Psychopath neighbor versus if this “being”
My Birth to a Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disordered Mother
When we are born, infants, helpless, totally dependent upon mother, we can’t know that we have, as was in my case, a very personality disordered mother. It starts off very traumatic in life and it just builds from there. This