Life Isn’t Fair

This is a central negative core belief that so many people are often left with from childhood – that Life “Should” be Fair. Let go of this toxic dichotomy of “fair vs unfair” and take personal responsibility and ownership of

3 ways to start loving yourself the way you deserve to be loved

So many people were not ever taught how to truly like, let alone love themselves in childhood. What we learn growing up matters more than most would like to know or face and work to resolve. Before you can start

The Wide Ranging Nature of Personal Development

Is the most relevant question, what is personal development, or is it what is it that isn’t part of personal development? Personal Development is a very wide ranging reality in our lives when we choose to engage it. What does

Create Your Inner & Outer World – Reflective Meditative Personal Growth

A self-reflection, affirmation, reflective meditative video to help you be with yourself and focus on how your inner world reflects your experience of the outer world. An affirmation of how each individual is a significant and important part of the

Live Life Questions Through Radical Acceptance – A.J. Mahari’s Podcast

Everyone has questions in their lives. Questions that they may not know the answer to, questions they may not even have realized they need the answers to yet. We need to live our way to the answers to life questions

Transform Your Self Talk – Change Your Life

Want and need change of any kind in your life? Begin by becoming more aware of your negative and/or self-critical self talk. Begin a journey of re-framing that negative/critical self-talk into positive affirming self-talk that will transform you in ways

Can’t Have What you Want?

[huge_it_share id=”1″]For many people with mental health challenges not getting what you want or not being able to have what you thought you wanted can be a very triggering and anger-producing dysregulated and overwhelming emotional place to be. It will

When No Contact as an Adult-Child Is Necessary

Counsellor, Life Coach, and Mental Health Coach, A.J. Mahari, is an adult-child of a Borderline Personality Disordered Mother and (until the time of his passing in 1997) she was also the daughter of a father with Borderline Personality Disorder and

Being Awake, Aware, and Involved In Your Life – Evolutionary Enlightenment

In the process of our own self growth and personal development we are all at varying stages of awakening to our evolutionary enlightenment. Do you seem to be going through the motions in your life? Do you feel like you