Borderline Narcissist CoMorbid Parent(s) – Scapegoated Adult Child

I was the child of two co-morbid Borderline/Narcissists Parents with alcoholism mainly father and his side of family of origin and compulsive over-eating – father and his side of the family. I was the scapegoat child and the scapegoated adult-child.

Spotting the Narcissist/Psychopath Neighbor

How to spot a Narcissistic and/or Psychopathic neighbor and why it is so important to understand what you are dealing with. What’s different and in many cases so the same with the Narcissist and/or Psychopath neighbor versus if this “being”

Social Norms vs The Psychopath Sociopath or Narcissist

The vast majority of us (often in spite of how our parents may well have failed us) learn the social norms, values, and morals of what form the basis of what is a social contract that we live within a

Co-Morbid Borderline Personality and Narcissistic Personality Disorders

Many people are diagnosed with and trying to live with or are seeking treatment for Borderline Personality (BPD). Many are diagnosed with and over-compensating to live with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Twenty-five percent of those diagnosed with BPD are also

Borderline Narcissistic Psychopathic Love Bombing – Red Flags and How To Help Yourself

If you have been, or are being, love bombed by a person with Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality, or Anti-Social Personality (ASPD) – a sociopath or a psychopath this video describes what you need to recognize most to help yourself. People

Narcissistic Personality Disordered Misogynist Males Abuse of Women They Claim to Love

Narcissistic abuse is devastating. Any and all of it. Narcissists leave untold damage to be healed and dealt with by those they claim to “love”. Narcissists have no idea what healthy love is. For many women the first Narcissistic Personality

How is a Narcissistic Family Identified – Application to Client Treatment

  A Narcissistic Family is identified in a new way for Mental Health Professionals in a book written by Mental Health Professionals. This is so important because when in the trenches with clients with Narcissistic Personality Disorder or several NPD

Loved Ones of a Person with BPD Diagnosing Borderline is Not Often Helpful

The internet is a wonderful resource of information on a wide variety of topics as pertains to how people experience each other in family relationships, dating relationships, significant other relationships, friendships and so on. Just googling something, though it may

Healing from Borderline Personality Narcissistic Personality Abuse – Loved Ones

Healing from the abuse of someone in your life with Borderline Personality Disorder and/or Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a very painful process. Not as painful as being abused is, however. It is a necessary though so that your mental and

The Wide Ranging Nature of Personal Development

Is the most relevant question, what is personal development, or is it what is it that isn’t part of personal development? Personal Development is a very wide ranging reality in our lives when we choose to engage it. What does

Gaslighting Abuse of Narcissistic Personality Disorder – For Loved Ones

Narcissistic Personality Disordered people gaslight their love ones and those closest to them in attempts to meet their own narcissistic supply needs. Gaslighting is a method of psychological abuse and it is very confusing and wounding. All-too-often, so many who

Transform Your Self Talk – Change Your Life

Want and need change of any kind in your life? Begin by becoming more aware of your negative and/or self-critical self talk. Begin a journey of re-framing that negative/critical self-talk into positive affirming self-talk that will transform you in ways