For many with Borderline Personality working hard in therapy and building trust with a therapist is not an easy journey or process. To then, when you trust enough, to get to transference, where a therapist needs to meet you with
Why Borderlines Abandon You
People have heard or experienced a lot when it comes to Borderline Personality Disorder and abandonment trauma. What many loved ones, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, husbands or wives are finding out in very painful and traumatic ways is that many people
Complex Complicated Grief – Finding Peace in The Silence
When a loved one dies, by suicide, or a sudden illness or accident, something especially not expected, grief is usually understood now to be complex and complicated grief. What that means is that people experiencing complex and complicated grief stay
Why BPD Narrative Sets Up Loved Ones – Devaluation Ends Relationships
The narrative of many people with Borderline Personality sets up loved ones – validate – understand – BPD splitting – Devaluation ends relationships. People with BPD are (often subconsciously) seeking rescue. They don’t see you, they don’t attach to you.
Borderline Manipulation
Manipulation, by a high percentage of people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, is not as unintentional often as was once the case and/or believed by many to be the case. Even I have often, over many years online (since 1995)
Loved Ones of BPD Protect Your Health When Borderline Rages
Many people with Borderline Personality Disorder are triggered often, causing the idealization split to rapidly become a devaluing split that comes with the emotional dysregulation of externalized aggression, RAGE. After the suicide of my partner, 4 months ago, today, I
When a Borderline Partner Commits Suicide – 4 Months Since She Took Her Life
After the suicide of my partner, 4 months ago, today, I have experienced intense grief, sleep deprivation, severe stress, conflicting emotions the list of which I could never complete or do justice here. This traumatic loss has left me with
BPD Apology & Hoover “Apology”
The Borderline Apology can be felt but for many with BPD it won’t change their behavior or have consistent meaning. People with BPD can mean they are sorry but often apologize to “make things okay” and resent it later feeling
Externalized Aggression in BPD – Stop Enabling
Many with BPD who pinch, push, or slap a partner or person “close” to them expect others to just tolerate that like there is nothing wrong with it because they “couldn’t help it.” You can’t ever know, anymore than the
Boundary-Setting With Borderlines Increases Chaos, Drama and Punishment
Why do many with Borderline Personality increase chaos & drama when you set a boundary or are firm with a boundary or boundaries? Why is it so difficult to set and maintain a boundary or boundaries with someone with BPD?
Right Fighting When You have Borderline Personality? What you need to know
People with Borderline Personality Disorder are often known as right-fighters or known for their right-fighting. This isn’t just a way they argue or provoke or fight with you, for the person with BPD it is a crucial defense mechanisms blocking
Can You Be Cluster B Free When That Person is Your Adult-Child?
For those who are in unchosen relationships with someone diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or Anti Social Personality Disorder – a cluster B personality disorder ever be Cluster B free? In this case any freedom has to
Narcissists Never Apologize – Don’t go down the rabbit hole
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) never apologize. Why is that? How many times have you been down tumbling painfully down the rabbit hole of trying to be seen and heard when you have had your feelings hurt or your
The Only Protection from the BPD, NPD, or Psychopath
What is the only absolute and healthy protection from those with BPD, NPD, or ASPD – the sociopath or psychopath? It is not what you might think. This sure fire healthy way to really protect yourself isn’t about protection at
Are you an Object of Cluster B Supply? What to do?
Are you an object of a person or more than one person with a Cluster B Personality Disorder? Either Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Anti-Social Personality Disorder – the sociopath or psychopath? Do you realize that people with these
Why Cluster B Loved Ones More Emotionally Reactive
Cluster B Personality Disorders as defined in the DSM-5 create for loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, adult children, and anyone in their proximity, a “crazy-making” gaslighing, abusive and chaotically devoid of boundaries and limits experience. This hurts even the mentally healthy
Borderline Personality – No “Self” – “Other” Reference
In those with Borderline Personality (BPD) due to a lack of known self there is no emotional reference for self vs other in interpersonal relating due to the early childhood arrested development caused by no bonding, insecure bonding, abandonment trauma
Borderline Narcissist CoMorbid Parent(s) – Scapegoated Adult Child
I was the child of two co-morbid Borderline/Narcissists Parents with alcoholism mainly father and his side of family of origin and compulsive over-eating – father and his side of the family. I was the scapegoat child and the scapegoated adult-child.
This is Not The End Conversation on Borderline Personality Disorder
“This is Not the End – Conversations on Borderline Personality Disorder” is a new book out from Althea Press Edited by Tabetha Martin. It is compassionate book for those with BPD, Loved Ones, and Mental Health professionals. It includes insightful
Borderline Narcissistic Psychopathic Love Bombing – Red Flags and How To Help Yourself
If you have been, or are being, love bombed by a person with Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality, or Anti-Social Personality (ASPD) – a sociopath or a psychopath this video describes what you need to recognize most to help yourself. People